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Technology Class

Take Two

Integrated ERP K-12 Solution

We at Take Two have an enormous amount of respect and appreciation for all our customers in their goal to be the best they can be in servicing students.

As a single integrated solution, our goal is to help YOU manage all of your administration in one place. Our focus is on doing so in the most efficient ways possible, allowing you more time to focus on what matters the most - the students. We can scale to accommodate 1000 students or 100,000 students effectively and efficiently.

As the exclusive Canadian Business Partner for CIMS in Canada and over 35+ years in K-12 education software, we pride ourselves in listening and reacting to customer needs as technology in the workplace adapts and grows.

Male Teacher with Students

who we are

We are strictly a Canadian education software company who offers 24/7 customer support. We are also teamed up with many value-adding partners


The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual who is passionate about what they do. We want to remind students that EFFORT itself is absolutely enough!


We know that sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest part. All processes and solutions are documented through job aids, process manuals and videos.


We are a partner you can trust. Monthly enhancements driven directly from YOU (through in-house meetings, webinars and conferences) are installed by us.

Integrate Finance, HR, Payroll, Maintenance, Transportation, Student and even the External Public

At Take Two, we believe integration is really only achieved when ALL departments of a division are included. Our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system handles all areas - finance, human resources, payroll, information technology, maintenance, transportation, student, and the external public. Our background and experience in education software allows us to consider how a complex process effects each and every area in a division - all with a single sign-on. This is important to truly reduce duplication in workflow, data and labour efforts.

Efficient and effective integrated software means producing meaningful reports and data while keeping maintenance and labour costs in check.


What does this look like to an employee?


We are the Right Solution for You

Our experience and belief in our software makes us confident we can be the solution for you. We have in-house programmers to customize software to each division as needed, as well as conferences, webinars and personal customer visits each year to ensure our software is working exactly how you need it to for you.

Nervous to make the change? We are very familiar with the implementation process and we have full confidence that we can take any form of data, implement it into CIMS for you, train your staff and have you up and running in no time.

Box 608

La Salle, MB

Canada  R0G 1B0

T: 1-204-736-4555

TF: 1-800-665-0641


© 2016 by

Take Two Inc.

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